Friday, April 16, 2010


Yesterday was my birthday. (Yes, I do know that I was born on "Tax Day". But in my defense my mother said that it was Easter Sunday when I was born,.. you do the math).
This was a significant birthday, one which has never crossed my mind that I would live to tell.....
So I woke up yesterday from a dream, really. I waited for my breakfast in bed to be served, but when none was brought up, I went down stairs to fire the help.(LOL). My ever industrious husband had started in the middle of a perpetual "Honey Do" list  and was clearing out the living room/dining room. A ladder was in the middle of the floor, baskets of clean clothes from the basement were spread out on any available flat surface. Funny, the smell wafting through the house was not eggs and bacon. I didn't see any balloons, confetti or left over B-day cake laying around. I say left over because My husband bought a cake for me on Wed evening and between him and the dog there may be a small sliver left. I had a thought to go to Denny's and have my breakfast served, but I remembered that I had a RS Pres Meeting to attend. I had a feeling ...... Anyway so I got dressed and as I was putting on the finishing touches, I said to myself, Wow you look great for an old bag. (LOL) I got in my car and drove to the sisters house the meeting was, I got there without a map, and that is saying something because I've been there a few times and I always get lost. I thought, I am the first one here, so I pushed the doorbell and no answer, I figured no one was home. That was the dream, no one was home. I left a note and drove home, just a little upset. I left messages for the sisters, but they all were cowards and didn't call me back until late. So, I guess the let down of no breakfast in bed lead to a melt down which lead me to my favorite place to go, the bookstore. For the longest time in my life, I have had to provide my own B-day festivities. I can usually pick out the perfect gift, the best cake, etc. But this year I really wanted to be celebrated. My husband asked me back in Jan what I wanted, I said a parade. Seriously. I am from Louisiana and we take our parades seriously, why in most places 2 or more people make a line, in La, 2 or more equal a parade.
Anyway, I found 2 books, one that would help me organize my self and one that said it would help me find happiness,guess which one I chose.
"The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun  Gretchen Rubin
Sounds like a girl after my own heart.
Guess what I got for my birthday? The people that live in my phone, ie the service department at Sprint called to find out if I would like to lower my monthly phone bills. I said "Are you  kidding me, whats the catch?" They said "No catch, we reviewed your past bills and we noticed that you have 1 contract over all, but you have been billed for the past 2 years as 2 separate contracts, thus the high bills and we are sorry and no we can't reimburse you but we can give you a sweet rate to ease your suffering and 1 free month." I said," Well since you put it that way, and by the way put it in writing, I'll take it, Mazel Tov."
God loves me. My husband and I went to Carraba's for dinner. He reminded me that the last time we ate there I was celebrating another milestone B-Day. I said Honey, they're all mile-stones some are just bigger than others.
The best part of the meal was when our very nice waiter brought out a special  chocolate sundae with a candle on it and he and my husband sang Happy Birthday. I blew out the candle and counted my blessings.

MOSIAH 2: 41 And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.

2 CHRONICLES 7 Happy are thy men, and happy are these thy servants, which stand continually before thee, and hear thy wisdom.

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