Friday, April 22, 2011


I have been thinking about the upcoming  Easter holiday and trying to grasp the awesomeness of the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ. I am overwhelmed, but I am endeavoring to break it down to its most manageable parts.

I was impressed to find out how the Atonement of Jesus Christ overcame physical death and spiritual death or rather the victory over the grave. I looked at the words death and dead in the Topical Guidelines  and I found quite a few records from the Old Testament on through the Book of Mormon, and Doctrine & Covenants; etc. These records stood out to me. The first one is from Isaiah.

Isaiah 26:19
19Thy dead men shall live; Together with my dead body shall they arise.
Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust:,for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.
As I read this scripture, I could imagine being there with Isaiah, almost hearing the voice of Jehovah, telling him of the plan of salvation. I suspect that Isaiah was as overwhelmed with this information as I am.   
Job 38:7 When the morning stars sang together,And all the sons of God shouted for joy? (Can you see the correlation with this scripture?)
(Its like a puzzle. This past Testimony Sunday, someone said that we receive revelation at times, like puzzle pieces, We must exercise our  faith to put those pieces together to form the whole.)
Now here is the 2nd witness:
Matthew 27:51-53
51: And behold the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent
52: And the graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints which sleep arose,
53: and came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared unto many.
 I found that Matthew was the only gospel writer who made note of this. When you read this in context, it seems like its shoved in between vs 50 where Jesus has yielded up the ghost and 54 when the centurion see's the earthquake.) Just saying...

When I read this, I can understand the concept of exalted beings with bodies, like the Moroni. I remember hearing  many sermons on this record on Easter Sunday's past.I remember the enthusiasm of the preacher and of course everyone said "Amen preacher" and we believed that these resurrected persons walked the earth. So it lends the question, if you can believe this word, why not the Book of Mormon?

What inspired me to write this, was the beautiful music of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir; specifically the CD "Come Thou Font of Every Blessing". This is a compilation of various folk hymns and spirituals.  
When I joined this church, I really missed listening to Gospel music, so someone suggested this CD. It took me about a year after I got it to listen to it. I have to say that I really love this CD. It is very soothing and you can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. I think that maybe this what the Heavenly Host sound like when they sing for joy.

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

By: Robert Robinson, 1735-90

Come, Thou fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
While the hope of endless glory
Fills my heart with joy and love,
Teach me ever to adore Thee;
May I still Thy goodness prove.

Here I raise my Ebenezer,
Hither by Thy help I’ve come;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood.

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