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Brian Kershisnik |
Have you noticed that when you download a new app or a new program
for your device of choice there is an end user agreement that must be read
before you can move on? It is a little drop down box, and it is
forgettable, but if you ignore it, then you won’t get your new app or whatever
thingy. I have been subject to quite a few lately. The little drop down box
requires; like Alice in Wonderland, for you to read the “small print” of this
seriously binding “contract”.
Have you read what is on those “agreements?” I wonder why they
call them agreements because it implies that both parties are really
encouraging each other to keep their end of the bargain.
I have been trying to make sense of these “contracts”, but the
writing is so small, and I am terribly near sighted. I have a short attention
span, so I usually give up and click yes without reading too much. Who knows
what I have gotten myself into and when will I be called to task on it, maybe
when I try to delete the program.
I recently upgraded my phone (actually replaced an old one for a
newer version, same stuff). But in addition to the phone contract there was an
end-user agreement concerning discounts. It seems that any discounts I had with
the previous phone, did not resume along with the standard stuff. But they
would resume as soon as I could show proof that I now qualify for those
“special” discounts. This is a long and drawn out process. I have been wading
through the tedium of producing the proof that I do qualify for a new “end user
agreement”. I digress. Why do I have to re-prove what was evident before?
This has led me to a moment of clarity; as with everything there
is a spiritual parallel, the laws of the Universe apply to every aspect of
our lives. We have agreed to a series of "end user agreements, “but we
know them as covenants.
In Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21, God
explains it for us:
20 There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundation of this world; upon which all blessings are predicated:
21 And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.
So where am I going with this? It has been five years since I was
baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Whenever I come
to these yearly milestones, I wonder where the time went. I feel like I have
been in this church my entire life, and there is weightiness to the
responsibility that carries. But I am still a new member, and there
is so much to learn. I have always been a fast learner, I could spell a word
before I could write it, and I could play a piece on the piano, before I could
read it. Do you see the pattern here? When I am participating in the Temple, I
am caught up in the moment, but then I realize that my comprehension of what it
is I am actually doing at times eludes me. I realize that I have not given
serious consideration to the “law” of the particular covenant I am endeavoring
to participate in and be obedient to. I have benefited from amazing blessing
and I want to know if those blessings were a result of my understanding of the
covenant those blessings are predicated on. Was I fully informed; because I
know that the Holy Spirit teaches us, and we alone are responsible for “reading
the small print”.
So the “Universe” answered and I ran across a really interesting
talk. It is called “The Law of Tithing”, by Elder Daniel L. Johnson.
I found this talk on You Tube and it only had 3 stars. It seems
that a talk on tithing is equivalent to listening to a lecture on the finer
points of Tax Laws.
But, the opening statement will get your attention:
My remarks this afternoon are intended as an invitation to those who have not yet gained a personal testimony of the full payment of tithing. There are many reasons that we are used to not to pay tithing, such as medical emergencies, debts or home repairs, educational expenses, and insurances. These reasons and others like them are very real and are lived and dealt with every day by many, if not most of us. These tax our limited financial resources and if we are not wise stewards of those resources, may result in the inability to meet our tithing obligation to the Lord. A lack of compliance with this eternal law is not to be taken lightly and can not only seriously impair our spiritual growth and development, but it can also limit the physical and temporal blessings that we could otherwise enjoy. Courtesy of LDS.org General Conference 2006 Elder Daniel L Johnson
So tithing is a buzz word, which is detailed in the Law of
What is the law of consecration? The definition in the topical
guidelines is simple:
It is to dedicate, to make holy, or to become righteous. The law of consecration is a divine principle whereby men and women voluntarily dedicate their time, talents, and material wealth to the establishment and building up of God’s kingdom.
It is also this:
The basic principle and the justification for the law of consecration “is that everything we have belongs to the Lord; therefore, the Lord may call upon us for any and all of the property which we have, because it belongs to Him. … (D&C 104: 14–17, 54–57)” (J. Reuben Clark, Jr., in Conference Report, Oct. 1942, p. 55)The intent of the law of consecration was that every man is to be “equal according to his family, according to his circumstances and his wants and needs.” (D&C 51:3) Under it, every man, including the poor, was to receive a “‘portion’ … such as would make him equal to others according to his circumstances, his family, his wants and needs. LIVING THE PRINCIPLES OF THE LAW OF CONSECRATION MARION G. ROMNEY 1979
Tithing is taught as an answer as to how the Lord wants us to honor
our covenants. We are not “under the Law of Consecration per-say, but we do
take on this covenant, and adhere to a lesser law of tithing, with full
knowledge that at any time, the Lord will require of us to participate and obey
the Law of Consecration.”
Malachi 3:6 For I am the Lord, I do not change; that is why you sons of Jacob, are not consumed.
There are no “limits of liability” in this law,
or at least as it applies to God. The Lord is God and he “excuses not Himself”.
On our part of the agreement, the covenant is to be obeyed, and if we can’t
bear the full weight, the Lord will make terms by which we can bear it, as in tithing
which applies to a designated “portion”, which in this case is a “tenth” of our
increase. Which increase comes from God, and we give it back as a “token” of
our faith, and trust in Him and all that He is.
Think of all of the covenants we have "agreed" to
partake in and have subsequently performed those "duties" to maintain
those covenants. Most of our covenants have "prompts". For instance,
when we are baptized and confirmed with the Holy Spirit, we are charged to
"always remember Him and his blood that was shed for us; the Savior".
How are we prompted to do this; by taking the sacramental bread and water every
We covenant to obey the laws of Chastity, which involves
prayer, obedience, and keeping our hearts and bodies pure. We also covenant to
obey the word of wisdom, which is a food and drink thing for most, but the
underlying "end user agreement" in this is "obedience" and
self discipline.
In tithing, we covenant to “trust in the Lord and give the Lord
ten percent of our increase.” How hard is that? In Malachi 3:6-11 the Lord is
speaking to the Sons of Jacob.
Who are the sons of Jacob: they are us, we are them.
Specifically his twelve sons and also Ephraim and
Manasseh who are his grandsons, but technically they are Jacobs
7 Even from the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my ordinances and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you, says the Lord of hosts. But you say, how shall we return?
8 Will a man rob or defraud God? Yet you rob and defraud me. But you say, in what way do we rob or defraud you? [You have withheld your] tithes and offerings.
9 You are cursed with the curse, for you are robbing me, even this whole nation.
10 Bring all the tithes (the whole tenth of your income) into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and prove me now by it, say the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
11 And I will rebuke the devourer; for your sake and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground, neither shall your vine drop its fruit before the time in the field, says the Lord of hosts.
12 And all nations shall call you happy and blessed, for you shall be a land of delight, says the Lord of hosts.
Wow, this puts a whole new perspective
on reading those pesky “end user agreements” doesn’t it? It seems that the small or fine print is not so small after all. It reminds me of the still, small voice of the Lord, that pierces through our hearts and ear drums too. Do we enter into
covenants without being fully informed? Talk among your selves....
Now this post is not about tithing, or even covenants, but it is about becoming informed, or rather enlightened to the purpose to which we are here for. Not a sermon.....
Mosiah 2:41 And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual and if they hold out faithful to the end, they are received into heaven , that they thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.
I like the relationship you make here...although I feel like they are also a little different.
1) We can trust the Lord. I am not sure that we can always trust the companies we enter into "agreements" with. Often, they speak in ways we can't understand, and leave it open for themselves to change the rules, whil we have no power...
2) The Lord has taught us that we learn line upon line, precept upon precept. Additionally, a witness comes after a trial of our faith. I think that the Holy Ghost will bear witness to us that the covenants we make are true and good, but it takes some time - living those covenants, and "trying" them - that help to give us more witnesses and increase our understanding.
When I think of the covenants I have made, myself...I was baptized when I was eight. That is a young age. Some people may think that it was too young. Yet the Lord says it is the age of accountability. I remember my baptism. I remember feeling good and that what I was doing was the right thing...even though I didn't completely understand what it meant - to always remember Him; I wasn't good at keeping the commandments...Yet, I realized (much later) that because I was at the age of accountability, the Lord knew I'd need the gift of the Holy Ghost -to help guide me on this path. He doesn't leave us defenseless against Satan. Of course, in order to receive the Holy Ghost, we need to be baptized. Over the course of years, as I have renewed my baptismal covenant and done my best to keep it (through prayer, scripture study, and trying to be obedient), I have learned more about my baptismal covenant. I feel pretty sure that I'll always learn something more, too.
The same goes with the temple covenants. I first went to the temple about 15 years ago (wow!...I'm feeling old!). I was young. I didn't understand everything, but I felt like it was right. And over the years, as I have returned to the temple again and again, I understand much more than I did when I was that young 19 year old girl. I also know enough to know I don't know much! ;)
anyway---I do like the comparison you make, though...the covenants we enter into with the Lord are not just a little thing. They are serious, and we need to learn how to "read the fine print" I just figure that it will take a lifetime to really make sense of it all.
Thank you Catania for those wonderful insights.
When I wrote this post, I had been pondering over a "question", I had asked the Father. It was, "Am I doing this right?" I am a convert and I want my experience at this time in my life to have meaning and not only that, I want to recognize it. So I had been struggling over endless "small print"in my "temporal" activities, and I would blow it off. So I thought, the teachings of the holy spirit are to me like the "fine or small print", extremely important for me to stop what I am doing and to listen and be taught. I realized that I wasn't doing this to be best of my ability, so I inquired, and the lesson on tithing for me was really a lesson on how every word from God's mouth is important for me to pay attention to. So lately, because of this I find myself going back and reading with clarity a chapter in the scriptures I blew past or preparing my lessons that I teach in Primary better, and of course I am reading those end user agreements more. LOL:)
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