Tuesday, April 6, 2010


kelly rae roberts

Wow, what a beautiful Easter weekend. I don’t think that I fully appreciated the physical and spiritual beauty of the entire weekend until afterwards.
What an event filled day. The General Conference was off the hook. I have to say that each speaker at each session spoke words that were in need of hearing. I know that my husband and I and our friends were so blessed, and so moved by the spirit. We were all spiritually fed.
Matthew 4:4(amplified bible) But He (Jesus) replied, It has been written, Man shall not live and be upheld and sustained by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.
My husband and I were really touched by President Uchtorfs talk concerning new converts. Lately my husband has had people in our church refer to him as “convert” but for some reason it wasn’t meant to be friendly, sort of like a slur if you will. But my husband always replies to these few and very immature people, “Thank you, I am proud of it”. Sometimes we feel a sense of rejection, we have felt at times left out and I have wondered why. We believe that we have been chosen by God and we are good enough to join this church. My heart was comforted at Presidents Uchtorfs talk.
President Uchtdorf recollected details arising from his experience as a boy living in the aftermath of World War II in a severely depleted Germany. Humanitarian aid from the Church came to Germany in the form of food and clothing.
"To this day, I can still remember the smell of the clothing and I can still taste the sweetness of the canned peaches," he recalled.
Some German families joined the Church solely because of that humanitarian aid. Unfortunately, many established members looked down upon the new converts — even referring to them by the offensive name "canned-food Mormons." President Uchtdorf expressed his hope that Church members today will embrace new converts better than what transpired in post-World War II Germany.
"I hope we welcome and love all of God's children, including those who might dress, look, speak, or just do things differently," he said. "It is not good to make others feel as though they are deficient. Let us lift those around us. Let us extend a welcoming hand. Let us bestow upon our brothers and sisters in the Church a special measure of humanity, compassion and charity so that they feel, at long last, they have finally found home." (President Uchtdorf; Sunday session)
I also loved this talk by Elder Bruce Carlson: “When the Lord Commands. I felt that he was looking straight at me.
Whom the Lord loves he chastens: Hebrews 12:6 For whom the Lord love he chastens, and scourges every son whom he receives
Elder Bruce Carlson: When the Lord Commands
“Keeping the commandments brings the blessings of heaven, Elder Bruce A. Carlson of the Seventy said during the Saturday afternoon session of general conference.
"Occasionally we believe that there must be an easier way, a shortcut or modification of the Lord's commandments that will accommodate our individual circumstances," he said. "Thoughts such as these fail to acknowledge that strict obedience to God's laws brings His blessings and failure to abide by His laws leads to foreseeable consequences." (note the word, foreseeable).

I think that the sweetest part of this day was when I met a newly commissioned Sister Missionary. After the Conference Session we were hanging out in the VC and talking. A Sister Missionary named Sister Clark from Brazil introduced herself to me. She asked me if I belonged to the church and what ward I attended. She then asked why I was there, I told that I was there because of GC. I introduced her to my husband and he proceeded to tell her I was a bible scholar.She asked me what had I experienced since joining the Church, I told her that I was baptized, my husband and I have been endowed and sealed. We love our church members and friends. We love the Church of Jesus Christ and LDS. What else is there? It didn't occur to me that my testimony would be a source of strengh to her. She was new to DC and just trying to find her niche. As I was leaving she asked for a hug instead of a handshake. Everything shapes us. Not too many people want to hear my testimony (I think), so I didn't realize the effect of a person's testimony on someone else. I thought that the missionary's were God's Cheerleaders and I know they are, but we all need a hug sometimes.                      

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