I am trying hard to sum up this week this week in 5 bullet points, or less
So here it is:
1. We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet
A question was asked in my BOM study group; “Can you remember at any time during your life, how an activity or proclamation or life example of a prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints has affected your life? Excuse me could you repeat the question?
I had to assume that the question was inadvertently directed to “long-time” members of the church, who had lived through at least 1 or more prophets. Not so much me. So I struggled to think of something President Monson had done that I had found “life altering”. But I came up blank, and I was really “put out” for the rest of the class. So I know that the Holy Spirit ministers unto me, I know this, because I felt an admonition not to be “offended” at this question. So I thought about it and I talked to my husband about it, and we agreed that it would be a good idea to read President Monson’s biography the aptly titled biography “To the Rescue”; which will hopefully do just that for me.
To the Rescue
Most important, readers will observe Thomas S. Monson going “to the rescue” in his more than six decades of devoted Church service. Called as a bishop at age twenty-two, as a counselor in a stake presidency at age twenty-seven, as a mission president at age thirty-one, and as a member of a Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at age thirty-six, he became early on a skilled administrator and a tireless servant of the Lord. He oversaw the work of the Church in East Germany for more than twenty years, beginning with hushed meetings held in automobiles to avoid listening devices and culminating in the dedication of a temple behind the Iron Curtain. He played key roles in landmark programs in the Church, from correlation to welfare to the publication of the LDS editions of the scriptures. And through it all, he recognized people as individuals and ministered to their need in personal ways. Deseret Books
So I am looking forward to reading this. But I can think of one thing that touched me and I have to say influenced my behavior. Was it last year, that the Warm Fuzzy campaign was started because President Monson declined gifts for his birthday, but suggested that in honor of his birthday, people would do acts of kindness to others. So I believe a primary class “collected” a jar of “Warm fuzzies” and sent them to him and every time an act of kindness was needed the Prophet could give out a “warm fuzzy”. Al-righty then, there is my life altering event, on my birthday this year; I felt it would be a better idea to do a service project than plan for a party. I helped my good friend with her yard sale, and all proceeds from what I sold, I gave to her, since she was raising money for Breast Cancer.
2. Say Hello to Others
Speaking of rescue missions, one thing that has been impressed upon me is to love my fellow man. I know I have dedicated quite a few posts to this, and I hope that I am not coming off as a harpy, but for me, I feel that Heavenly Father’s reasoning for us to love our neighbor is no different than our when own parents encouraged us as kids to love our school friends; to be nice to the old lady next door (that was my mom). I grew up in the South and one of my life lessons was that, it was good manners to say hello to just about everyone you met during the day. Seriously, if you took a walk down a neighborhood street, and most people at that time would be out in their yards, or sitting on porches, and you would say hi. And if they knew you, or even recognized you from somewhere, you would probably be invited to have some lemonade, maybe a cookie. Just for saying hi. Sometimes, you would be invited to help with a chore, such as with some of the older ladies in our neighborhood.
What has caught my attention lately is the increasing number of women and sometimes their children, who are walking up and down busy intersections asking for money. There is a trend now to walk up and down streets at night. It is a sad and scary thing, especially for the kids. There are so many trains of thought on why this is happening, but I know when I engaged these thoughts, I felt that I was judging, and I realize that I have no right to judge a person’s circumstances. So there is a woman who I have seen asking for money. She has a sign that says “Single Mom, raising my kids alone, appreciate any help”. Whenever I see her, I try to give her a few bucks, and then she says the most heartfelt and even cheerful thank you, and God bless you. So here is what is happening, she is not alone, and what I mean is that every time I see her, I feel in my heart a perfect witness of the Holy Spirit. This woman is one God’s children, and even in her distress, she seems to be buoyed up by something. The presence of goodness and love is palpable. Once I saw her and I had no cash in my wallet and I felt bad, and I told her that I would take care of her the next time I saw her, and she said, don’t worry, I will pray for you, and I said I will pray for you also. It was electric and even when I saw her again, it was the same. So what of this?
3. The Temple Gardens
Our Father, we present the altars before which thy servants and handmaidens will receive their blessings and sealing’s, and we pray that such may be kept holy.With the buildings, we present the land on which they are built, the walks and fences and ornamental beds and trees and plants and flowers and shrubbery. May they blossom beautifully and be pleasant to all, that these hillsides may be a haven of peace and rest and holy meditation. (A portion of the dedicatory prayer for the Washington DC Temple; Spencer W. Kimball
Have you had a chance to walk around the Temple gardens lately?
I didn't know there were gardens. On a past Temple visit, afterwards I decided to take a walk around the building. The Washington DC Temple and as are all of the Temples, are magnificent works of art and architecture. The building itself is grand and over-sized, and if things of the earth like granite and marble and wood, can have a presence, then they do. The building surround is stately and dignified. So I walked around the back and I came into a lovely garden. It had trees and bushes indigenous to the Maryland area, and flower beds, some wild flowers, others hot-house. The colors were brilliant. There was a beautiful Oriental styled Pergola at the end of a path. The wood was a golden honey and the seat in this pergola was made of a slab of black granite. The end of the path literally walked into a field of orange, and fuchsia and pink flowers. You know I would have taken a picture but I didn’t take my camera, so close your eyes. It was a peaceful place and I wanted to stay there. I thought maybe the idea for the garden was a very small representation of the Garden of Eden.
The next time I will take pictures......
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